This Mini Egg Attack set from Beast Kingdom features Stitch in two adorable poses, inspired by Asian cuisine . Stitch, known from Disney's Lilo & Stitch , is known for doing anything for his favorite food, and this 2-pack set captures that perfectly. Limited to 2,000 pieces.
Design : The set contains two versions of Stitch:
- One figure features Stitch happily eating Asian dishes, complete with traditional accessories such as chopsticks and a bowl.
- The other figure shows him in a playful pose, surrounded by more delicious food.
- Materials : Made from high quality PVC, with careful and colourful details to depict Stitch's playful nature and culinary themes.
- Dimensions : Each figure stands approximately 3-4 inches tall, matching the rest of the Mini Egg Attack line, and both come with their own display base .
This set is ideal for fans of Lilo & Stitch , as well as collectors who love unique, food-inspired collectibles. It adds a playful and cute addition to any collection
Design : The set contains two versions of Stitch: